The 2023 AGW annual general meeting was conducted at 10am on Wednesday 19th July, 2023 within the media centre at the 151st Open Championship at Royal Liverpool Golf Club.
Martin Dempster, Peter Hills, Bernie McGuire, more to be added
Wednesday 19th July, 2023
Royal Liverpool
Chairman’s Opening Address
Minute Silence in Memory AGW Members Passed Away Last 12 months
(John Ingham and Peter Haslam)
AGW Members (Not at Royal Liverpool) Apologies (Tony Garnett, Philippe Herman, Declan O’Donoghue, Donald Steele, Martin Voudsen, Trevor Peake, Michael McDonnell, Dave Seanor, Peter Dixon, Paul Trow, Norman Dabell, Detief Hennies, Brian Creighton, Geoff Russell and Fatiha Betscher)
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of 2022 AGW Annual General Meeting
Elections – New AGW Chairman to be announced, Secretary and Treasurer.
General Business
Chairman Martin Dempster welcomed those present to the meeting and firstly singling out the AGWs annual dinner, held the night pior on-course at Royal Liverpool.
“It was a terrfic evening with a lot of organsiing going into the dinner”, said Martin. He thanked Bernie, Peter Higgs and David Edwards for their efforts. Martin also thanked Scott Crockett and Michele Mair for their small input. He singled out Iain Carter saying ‘he was the glue for the night bringing it all together’.
Martin adding the award winners were ideal with the videos of Rory and Tiger supberb, and great that Thomas Bjorn was present while the ‘late eddition’ of Kate and Justin Rose, as they added a lot to the night.
A minutes silence in honour of members John Ingham and Peter Haslam who had passed away since the 2022 AGM.
APOLOGIES (From the floor)
John Whitbred, Dererk Lawrenson.
My final year as Chairman has been a difficult one due to a number of matters that I have to admit have been very stressful at times.
Throughout my tenure, I have always tried to do what I felt was in the best interest of our fine organisation and that included a bid to implement some succession planning.
In the first instance, I approached Philip Reid to see if he’d be interested in taking over as Chairman and his answer was ‘yes’, meaning he will become the first Irishman to hold the post.
However, it was only later that I discovered that I should have run that proposal past the committee first and I subsequently apologised to my fellow committee members for that oversight on my part.
At the same time, and again in a bid to implement succession planning, I had a chat with Matt Cooper about the possibility of him taking over as our secretary at some point but no date was ever set for that possibility.
In taking this step, I upset our current secretary and I have apologised to Bernie McGuire on a number of occasions as I should have sat down with him first to let him know what I was thinking.
Whatever happens with the secretary’s position, one thing that I feel I need to stress and place on record is that our secretary has to be able to have a professional working relationship with all the main golfing bodies and, in particular, The R&A and DP World Tour.
My predecessor, Iain Carter, has intimated that he is stepping down as a committee member and I would like to thank Iain, both personally and in a chairman’s capacity, for his splendid service to the AGW over the years.
On top of that, David Facey and Phil Casey have also both resigned from the committee in recent weeks and the loss of two members who regularly attend tournaments is a huge blow.
Despite the shine having been taken off somewhat over the past 12 months, it has been an honour and pleasure to serve as Chairman of the AGW, a role that has enabled me to both meet and, in many cases, become friends with many of our members around the world.
I would like to thank Bernie for his efforts in my time in my role, our esteemed treasurer Peter Higgs, too, and, of course, our president Lewine Mair, who has offered valuable counsel at various times.
Martin Dempster,
AGW Chairman
NB: Martin then added that he had been reminded at last night’s dinner by 2010-13 Chairman Bill Elliott had been born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Martin asked if there was any comments from anyone from the floor post his report and with David Facey, who shared his frustration and suggesting the standing down of committee members reflects what a ‘devisive’ time it has been for the Association. He hoped that the AGW could soon make a fresh start and with everyone on the same page, and that included a change in the Secretary in due course as well as the Chairman.
Iain Carter added he was stepping down from the committee only because he’s been on the committee for some time and time also for new faces to take the opportunity to join the commitee. That view was then shared by Phil Casey, also stepping down from the committee.
John Hopkins queryed the absence of the minutes from the 2022 AGW in the 2023 AGW AGM documents.
Proposer: John Hopkins
Seconder: Ewan Murray.
TREASURER’S REPORT for the year ended December 31st,2022
The AGW experienced another difficult year on the financial front, incurring a loss for 2022 of £5,104. This was an increase on the previous year’s losses of £1, bringing the total deficit for the past two years of £8,651.
The increased losses can be attributed to the annual dinner which returned in 2022 after a three year absence due to the Cvid-19 pandemic. The AGW lost £1,475 on the dinner, which accounts for most of the increased loss (of £1,557).
Running costs continue to climb in line with general price rises. An increase in subscriptions and joining fees of £1,445 was offset by a delay in the handbook which meant that £1400 received in advertising revenue from the previous year was not
On the expenditure side we managed to make a saving ( of £313) on the hampers( donations) by changing companies. But there increases in the cost of trophies and engraving(£281),printing and stationery(£206) and website expenses (£96).
While we do not expect to make a profit and do have some reserves it is clear that we cannot operate at a level of losses which , if allowed to continue for a few years, would create an existential crisis.
With this in mind we have put into place in 2023 some cost-cutting measures( fewer and cheaper Christmas hampers, the ending of the AGW diary and cheaper delivery costs of the handbook) plus some revenue-raising initiatives( increasing the cost of the dinner to £60-a-head and adding new sponsors).
We have , however, managed to peg the annual subscription at £50 and,with the steps we have taken to safeguard the AGW finances I am hopeful that we will be able to maintain this figure and that there will be better news to report at the end of 2023.
Peter Higgs,
Hon. Treasurer,
Association of Golf Writers
Peter added on top of his reports his concern in last year losing £5,000 and £3,000 the year prior, and it that continued the AGW would be ‘skinned’. He singled the Secretary in managing to attract £10,000 towards sponsorship to the annual dinner
Peter also mentioned Robin Barwick had been handing out copies of the 2023-24 AGW handbook and that is was saving a lot of money in being able to copies out to members in attendance at The Open.
Alec Miceli asked about measures to cut down expenses such as the handbook. Peter highlighting also the annual fees still remain at £50 a year for members while the AGW did have to raise the cost of the dinner by £10 to £60/head. Peter also spoke of the need to have sponsorship of the dinner and without it there would be no dinner.
The Chairman added he attended the 2023 GWAA dinner for a first time and compared the sponsorship of the GWAA dinner to the AGWs, and argued the level of AGW sponsorship is ‘more than adequate’ in his opionion, and we should not be looking at more sponsors.
The Secretary added that compared to the 275 guests who attended the 2022 annual dinner there was only 224 in attendance last night.
Robin Barwick spoke that he will no longer be handling the handbook and has passed the role over to the Secretary, and also apologising for the delay in getting the 2023 handbook to members, hence a 2023-24 edition. Robin adding also he felt the publication of the handbook was ‘obsolete’ and was not needed, and the AGW needs to modenise and go to a digital edition.
The Chairman thanked Robin for his efforts in handling the handbook for many years.
Alex Miceli asked how much does it cost to print the handbook. Robin indicated the printing £800 and the despatch about the same amount. Isabel Trillo also sharing similar views.
Proposer: Iain Carter
Seconder: Denis Kiwan
AGW – INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT (Year ending 31st December, 2022)
As Secretary, it has not been the smoothest of times this past year given the events that took place at a Zoom committee meeting last year when advised by the Chairman a replacement had been found for me in AGW member Matt Cooper.
It was only after the meeting it sank-in the embarrassement of being ‘kept in the dark’ by the Chairman, and how any courtesy in being involved in the appointment of a new Secretary was non-existent.
However, the Chairman apologised for his actions and we sought to move on, and this aside from the ‘ill-informed’ comments of a thankfully now retired committee member.
I indicated to the committee that I was hoping to work in the role for an even decade and that was even moreso after the standing down of the Chairman, and not for the Association to be faced with both a new chairman and a new secretary. I felt that not fair to Phil Reid.
I believe I have the committee’s support in this regard while I continue to enjoy the strongest of working relationships with the main organisations on golf, and something that I have worked tirelessly in my over 30-year golf reporting career to foster.
At this time or the year, I would like to thank those who have worked hard to help in the running of the Association including AGW Golf Captain Peter Dixon and Mark Garrod for his tireless efforts in handling the reins of Pick Your Pro.
In singling out Peter, I take this opportunity to especially thank him at the close of the 2023 AGW golfing season after many years service to the AGW. Peter has been a tireless worker, made the effort to be present at many of the AGW events and helped provide the AGW with opportunity to tee-up at some of the best golf courses in the UK and Ireland, including none more special that the hosting now each year of our closing event of the season at Royal Liverpool.
With Peter stepping down, the Association welcomes Adrian Milledge into the role, so I call on members to give Adrian your support when he officially takes over early in the next year.
The last 12 months has seen a conintuing growith in AGW new membership and I would like to think this reflects my own initiative in seeking new members while I am at attendance at golf touranments around the world. We proudly welcomed this past year a first member from SouthKorea in Lee (Louis) Doon, a first from Japan in Eiko Oizumi and from Singapore in Spencer Robinson.
In my now nine-years as Secretary there has been close to 70 new members welcomed into the ranks of the Association. This has been more in any similar period since the Association was founded in 1938.
The AGWs annual dinner continues to be the highpoint of the year. A special thank you to those members who attended and also showed your support to the dinner committee in paying early thus allowing for a smooth lead-up, in terms of payment, guests etc, ahead of the night. A special thank you here to AGW Treasurer Peter Higgs for his ‘behind the scenes’ work in again handling, so well, the dinner seating payments,
Bernie McGuire, B. Bus. Secretary
The Chairman also singling out Peter Dixon for his work and welcoming Adrain onboard
Proposer: Brian Keogh
Seconder: Lewine Mair
Go to the AGW website:
President Martin Dempster officially announced his stepping downa fter four years as Chairman of the Association and with Philip Reid extending the invitation to step forward.
Martin spoke saying it has been a huge priviledge acting as Chairman. He spoke of his passion for golf, meeting people and the two combined has been a ‘fantastic experience’ and thanked everyone, including those the room. Applause for Martin.
Martin was presented with a suitable endorsed AGW quaich for his efforts as AGW Charirman and that was presented to him by Phil Reid.
Out-going AGW Chairman Martin Dempster is presented with a commemorative quaich by in-coming Chairman Phil Ried at the AGWs 2023 AGW at Royal Liverpool on Wednesday 19th July, 2023.
Philip thanked Martin in continuing the great tradition of an AGW chairman … ‘you have represented the AGW brilliantly all around the world, you brought honour to the position and was always in touch with what was happening, and with the annual dinner last night a great night to cap your term as chairman’
Peter Higgs has chosen to remain in the role and there was no challengers to his role
Proposer: John Hopkins
Seconder: Alex Miceli
Bernie McGuire has chosen to continue and mentioned what he has outlined in his Secretary’s report.
Proposer: Neil McLeman
Seconder: Patricia Davis
Martin Dempster spoke of how he felt the need for the present Secretary to work with a new Secretary. Patricia Davies asked if Matt Cooper is agreeable to this?
The new Chairman asked if there was anyone interested in joining the committee. John Hopkins pointed out that it is the role of the committee to appoint new members, and that will be placed on the next committee agenda.
Patricia Davies expressed her thanks for the AGW annual dinner and how her guests enjoyed the evening.
AGW Medallion
The Secretary brought to notice the fact the AGW medallion supplies have run-out and does the AGW wish to continue issuing a medallion to new members or go down the path of Spanish journalists who are now identified by a special credit card style ID.
The question was asked how much would it cost for new AGW medallions but given it has been so long since the Secretary could not answer that.
Patricia Davies asked what does the AGW but badge do for the members and with Robin Barwick suggesting a ‘credit card’ style members card or the badge now each are not functional however he favours tradtion and that would be to retain the badge.
New Chairman Phil Reid suggested he may now seek members to begin wearing the badge more often.
Media Access at Tournaments
Alex Miceli, and in again raising the issue of better media access at the majors that the GWAA and AGW form a sub-committee in order to find a way to make it all possible. Both bodies need to work harder.
Masters Access to Jon Rahm
The Spanish media had raised the point post the Masters that they were restricted in speaking with new Masters champion Jon Rahm immediately following his victory at Augusta. Yes, time was restricted however the Augusta official hosting the Rahm’s winning presser had a Spanish employee ask all the questions, much to the big disappointment of a big contingent of Spanish media in the room.
The matter was rasied formally with the Masters media team and they were ammendable to the comments and indicated they would work to ensure the scenario, such as journalists from Spain, would have access to a new champion, speaking in their own tongue and not having someone ask questions on their behalf
The new Chairman promised to work with them in this task.
Brian McLaughlin also raising the issue of better access to players at the majors, and with the Chairman suggesting it should be added to our end-of-year discussion with the R & A.
John Hopkins raising the fact he still retains copies of the fine AGW book: “Forgive Us Our Press Passes’. The Treasurer indicating he would be happy to take them off John’s hands and arrange to sell to new members at £10 per copy.
Meeting closed,
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