AGW GOLF: Golf Captain, Venues, Format, Handicaps, Trophies, ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year.
The AGW proudly conducts five golfing events a year:-
R & A Salver, Michael Williams Hogget, Ron Moseley Memorial Trophy, Renton Laidlaw Quaich and the Fred Pignon Trophy for the Golf Writers Championship.
AGW Golf Captain
The position of AGW Golf Captain is a voluntary role and with the Golf Captain overseeing matters in relation to the arrangements and conduct of the AGW golf outings. The Secretary will assist the Golf Captain in the carrying out of his/her duties as Golf Captain.
The current AGW Golf Captain is Peter Dixon and Peter’s email address is: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Competition Venues –
It will be the role of the AGW Golf Captain to arrange host venues. It has been customary over many years for competitions to be held in and around European Tour events but when is not possible, competition days will be arranged at suitable dates within the year.
With the introduction of the AGW Salver in 2013 it is the practice to host this at the annual Open Championship ‘Media Facilitation Day’, normally in mid-April. The Golf Writers Championship for the Fred Pignon Trophy will be the final event in a year and is currently being played towards the later part of the year at Royal Liverpool GC.
Eligibility –
The AGW golf outings are only open to Full, Life and Retired members of the Association. The AGW can choose to extend invitations to non-AGW members, including Honorary or Affiliate members of the AGW, but those teeing-up as guests are ineligible to win an AGW trophy.
Format –
In The Event Of A Tie:
If in the event two or more players are tied at the end of competition there shall be a countback over the closing nine holes. If the leaders are still tied then the countback will be conducted over the last six holes and then if still tied then over the last three holes and, if still tied, the winner shall be the player who had the highest Stableford points on the last or 18th hole.
Handicaps will be determined via two means:
1). If an AGW member has an official club handicap.
The AGW member’s club handicap will be the handicap used in AGW competition and that will continue to be accepted while the member remains a member of the club. It is up to the member to advise the AGW Golf Captain of any changes in a club handicap. Should the AGW member win an AGW event then the member is subject to a handicap adjustment, as would also be the scenario at their own club, and that member will then play off the ‘adjusted’ handicap with subsequest results reviewed to ascertain if the handicap requires readjustment . This adjusted AGW handicap will apply, until review, and whether or not the AGW’s member club handicap falls or rises ahead of any AGW review.
2). Those without an official club handicap.
Those who are not a member of a registered golf club will compete on an ‘agreed’ handicap and with the AGW to adjust the handicap depending on AGW competition results. If a member in this category should win an AGW event, and/or the ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year, then the member is also subject to a handicap adjustment.
Handicap adjustments for either a member with a club handicap or those without is in the region of one to two strokes and depending on the handicap.
The maximum handicap for any member competing in AGW competition is TBC
Trophy –
The winner of one of the five AGW events shall be presented with a trophy. It is then the responsibilty of the winning member to take proper care for the safety and appearance of the trophy. The winner is expected to meet the costs of engraving and it should be stressed to any engraver, the engraving must follow suit of previous engravings on the trophy.
It is also the responsibility of the winner, and if in the event you cannot be present to defend the trophy, to contact the AGW Golf Captain to ensure the trophy is on hand for the following year’s conduct of the event.
AGW -ETIQUS Golfer Of The Year:
The AGW – ETIQUS Golfer of the Year shall be the member who accumulates the highest number of Stableford Points over the course of a season.
If an AGW member competes in all five matches he or she will drop their poorest Stableford score so as their four highest scores count towards the honour.
If an AGW member competes in just four events then his or her four scores will count and the same if a member should only play three matches
If at the end of a season there is two or more tied for the highest number of Stableford points then the honour of ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year shall be shared.
2021/1 COVID-19 Pandemic:
Due to the COVIS-19 pandemic only two of the five AGW events were staged in 2020 – the Ron Moseley Memorial Trophy and the inaugural Renton Laidlaw Quaich. It was thus agreed that the presentation of the ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year will now encompass the two events staged in 2020 and the hopeful five events of 2021.
The member with the highest number of points at the AGW Championship at Royal Liverpool will be the 2020/21 ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year.
Those who contest all seven will drop their poorest round and if a member contests six then all six will count and the same if a member plays five, and with each of the five to count.
* Should a situation arise, as in 2020 due to the COVID-19 virus, and there is a loss of AGW matches then the AGW Golf Captain in consolation with the AGW Secretary, will decide if there will be an ETIQUS – AGW Golfer of the Year.
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